Quantifying Tail Risk

Implementation of Three Techniques to Model the Value-at-Risk of a Multi-Currency Portfolio over a 10-day time horizon.

- The Delta-Normal (Variance-Covariance) Method
- The Monte Carlo Simulation Method
- The Bootstrap Historical Simulation Method

Paul McAteer, MSc, MBA


Model Design

1) Value-at-Risk with the Delta-Normal (Variance-Covariance) Method.

The Delta-Normal method requires the construction of the covariance matrix of daily security returns Σ, which is a function of the correlation matrix and the sample variance of the constituent securities:


Where C is the correlation matrix and D is a diagonal matrix with the variance of securities across the diagonal and zeros elsewhere.

The 1-day variance of the portfolio VΠ1day is determined by the weights, variances and covariances on the constituent assets:

VΠ1day= wΣw

Where we post-multiply wΣ, the transpose of the weights vector and the covariance matrix, by the column vector of weightings w.

The volatility of the portfolio is simply the square root of variance, so:

σΠ1day= wΣw

Variance squares with time, t. However, volatility squares with the square root of time, so 10-day volatility is obtained in the following manner:

σΠ10day= wΣw × 10

To find the Delta-Normal Value-at-Risk at a particular confidence level, multiply the portfolio volatility by the appropriate standard normal deviate, denoted by α:

VaRΠ,10day= αwΣw × 10

So, for example, to calculate the VaR at a 95% confidence level, alpha would be set to 1.645.

2) Value-at-Risk with the Monte Carlo Simulation Method.

The Monte Carlo Method involves simulating the security returns r at each time step t in a portfolio composed of correlated assets. The multivariate normal distribution of returns is specified by by a mean vector of security returns and the covariance matrix of returns:


Now, to simulate a vector of security returns, it is necessary to capture the structure of the covariance matrix. This can be achieved by decomposing the matrix Σ into the product of a lower triangular matrix L and upper triangular matrix L.

We use Cholesky Factorization1 to find L such that:


The simulation of the correlated returns of the portfolio constituents at each time step , can be generated by:

rt=μ + Lzt

Where u=(u1un)  is the column vector of expected security returns and L is the lower traiangular matrix. z is a column vector of independent standard normal random variables (z1zn)  , i.e.:


Lz produces a random sample of deviations corresponding to our correlated and nonstandard returns. Importantly, we can demonstrate that the covariance matrix of the elements of Lz , denoted by V(Lz) has covariance matrix Σ, that is:


Given that values of (z1zn)  are independently distributed (i.e. have zero covariance) and have a variance of 1, the covariance matrix of the elements of z is an identity matrix, I:


So the covariance matrix of the elements of Lz, V(Lz) , will be:


Which simplifies to:


We know that: